PCSX2 Keyboard Controls 2021
Ps2 + controller, buzz controllers,2 buzz compatible games. Posting since mar, 2017 Other ads from this seller.
If you want to play PlayStation 2 games using PCSX2 (PS2 emulator) on pc. But don’t have gamepad to play PS2 games on your personal computer. If you want to use keyboard and mouse as a game controller. so here is the best PC to PS2 keyboard and mouse control settings.
- Target audience You're running Windows ≥ 8.1 and want to use your wired DualShock 3 (not 4!) controllers with games you emulate in PCSX2. If you happen to have read about 'ScpToolkit': that is a discontinued project.
- #ps3 #playstation3 #buzz #buzzquizSo, I recently got this Buzz quiz game and it took me about 40 minutes to get the buzzers to work properly. There are no re.

LilyPad 0.12.1 (Id) Settings Screenshot:
PCSX2 Keyboard and Mouse Controls Settings:

- PC Controls To PS2 Controls
- WM Keyboard 1 → L1
- WM Keyboard 2 → L2
- WM Keyboard 3 → R1
- WM Keyboard 4 → R2
- WM Keyboard 5 → Select
- WM Keyboard 6 → Analog
- WM Keyboard 7 → Start
- WM Keyboard 8 → Mouse
- WM Keyboard A → Square
- WM Keyboard D → Circle
- WM Keyboard I → R-Stick Up
- WM Keyboard J → R-Stick Left
- WM Keyboard K → R3
- WM Keyboard L → R-Stick Right
- WM Keyboard M → R-Stick Down
- WM Keyboard S → Cross
- WM Keyboard W → Triangle
- WM Mouse M Button → L3
- WM Mouse X Axis + → L-Stick Right
- WM Mouse X Axis – → L-Stick Left
- WM Mouse Y Axis + → L-Stick Down
- WM Mouse Y Axis – → L-Stick Up
Pcsx2 Controller Ps3

Pcsx2 Buzz Controllers Ps4
Above I mentioned the best settings for PCSX2 keyboard and Mouse. But You can also customize the PCSX2 Controller according to your own.