- Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download 2019
- Update Java Version
- Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download 2021
- Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download 2019
상세 컨텐츠
Enter User name and Password of your login. Click Digital signature tab. After that click Register Digital signature option. Please fill the relevant information and press NEXT Button. Select sign with your USB token option. Click on Run java button. Select your certificate. For java, it will auto update self, just open the IE, login into epf site and go to DSC registration, it will route to java site and download the requisite version, install that and log back again after installation of java, the user has to add the exception list in java manually the main page link of epfo site https://unifiedportal-emp.
본문 제목
Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download
The pre-requisite for using java utility to have java version 1.7 installed on the system. Following are the installation guide for Java 1.7- Installation: On Windows, Step 1.Download JRE 1.7 Download appropriate version of JRE for your windows. Choose appropriate version based on your operating system. Aug 20, 2018 EPFO digital signature Java version free download: So finally if you want to use the digital signature to approve KYC of employees without any problem then you. Dec 12, 2017 I have updated latest version of JAVA and firefox version 52.x then also the same problem is coming. Few days back i visited PF office there they check the digital signature token which is working in their system, and we are using the same digital signature. Apr 19, 2017 Dear Friends, Please subscribe my Channel for learning all types videos. Also visit: below link for updates. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGs. Dear all, In pf portal when i go to do approve KYC by Digital Signature then there repeatedly asks for java download, after download to java version its not process forward, then how can i activate java version for DS. And what is this problem & why. I awaiting for your valuable support.
Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download 2019
I am trying to approve the KYC of a new employee in the new unified portal of EPFO. I go to Member > Approvals and click on the Approve button and have the digital signature (DSC token) available and connected. I got a popup which says ' This will open the utility for digitally signing the pdf. ...' and when I click on OK it shows 'Approve Activity' but then redirects to https://www.java.com/en/download/win10.jsp
I already have the latest version of Java installed and updated on my computer. I also tried using different browsers.
Has anyone else faced the same issue or have a solution for this?
From India, Delhi
unless the employer get his LIN verified at shram suvidha portal, it will not get active.
Thanks, but we already had LIN. It looks like it was an issue with Java installation. It worked in a different browser after Java update.
From India, Delhi
Can you please help with the version of JAVA with which this is working. I tried with a couple of versions but still this is not working.
It worked for me using the latest version of Java - Version 8 update 121 using Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10.
From India, Delhi
I have verified the KYC details of EPF members. But where do I find the approved KYC members in the new EPFO website, ie unifiedportal.epfindia.gov.in
From India, Lucknow
@birendra approvals > approved >see all > and view the approved bulk kyc or individual kyc
Even I am not able to approve my employees KYC, when i click approve it is redirecting to https://java.com/en/download/windows_xpi.jsp. Can anyone help me our through which browser we have to operate and what should be the java version for DSC approval
From India, Madras
Even I am not able to approve my employees KYC, when i click approve it is redirecting to https://java.com/en/download/windows_xpi.jsp. Can anyone help me out through which browser we have to operate and what should be the java version for DSC approval
From India, Madras
solution is here:-
Dhalaria Computer & Mobile
From India, New Delhi
Add the url of this thread if you want to cite this discussion.
Hi, I am trying to approve the KYC of our employee in the new unified portal of EPFO. I go to Member > Approvals and click on the Approve button and
have the digital signature (DSC token) available and connected. I got a popup of Digital signature window, and under which digital signature person details are not displayed for digitally signing the pdf'
I have updated latest version of JAVA and firefox version 52.x then also the same problem is coming. few days back i visited PF office there they check the digital signature token which is working in their system, and we are using the same digital signature for other works like form16, and GST.
Please help me regarding this. kindly find attached screen shot for your reference.
From India,
Attached Files
epfo-error.docx (100.5 KB, 957 views) |
I too faced the same issue, what our IT guys do they asked us to use old IE and install some old Java 'jre-7u51-windows-x64'. Now it’s working fine with us with DSC token.
From India
Mr. Sumitro thanks for reply. which operating system and IE version your using. I am using windows 10 in my laptop. Please give me some more information so that i can solve my issue.
From India,
Dear Sunil Kumar,
As you mentioned that on PF portal, no digital signatory appears, means you have not registered your digital signature.
First register your digital signature on EPFO portal. One form will appear after this process for speciman signature. Sign three places on the form. Send the form to your PF office, where authority will authorise your digital signature and you will be able to approve with DS.
Vidyadhar Bhat
From India, Pune
Dear Mr. Bhat thanks for your reply. already submitted 3 speciman signature copy in company latter head to the EPFO office 1 month back only.
From India,
Dear Mr.Sunil Kumar, Pl confirm that you can see your name under Digital signature. If you see that pending for RPFC approval, contact PF office. Thanks, Vidyadhar Baht
From India, Pune
This is I think compatible issue with Java version and Mozilla fire fox version. I tried the following version it worked 1. Java version 8 update 171 2. Mozilla firefox 52 esr -Munusamy Rajendran
From India, Chennai
Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download Windows 10
Dear Sir,
DSC is not registering on pf portal I am unable to update kyc of employees kindly suggest me what i do when i am registering the kyc the window show which is attached with this.
You are requested to please give me suggesstion as soon as possible and for your kind information i want to tell you that this dsc is proper working in gst portal.
From India, Noida
Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download Windows 7
Please see your Java settings and also try mozilla firefox 40.3.0. You may visit us www.eurekainfotech.in .
From India, Jalpaiguri

Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download Version
EPFO DSC will run if you have proper Java Settings and Mozilla firefox version 40.3.0 or IE older version. Visit www.eurekainfotech.in or Call 9749373200 if any technical problem arise.
Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download Windows
From India, Jalpaiguri
Update Java Version
Add the url of this thread if you want to cite this discussion.